Update your T3 templates in no time!

The TYPO3 templates from T3 Templates can be easily updated.

However, before you update, please make a backup of your website. This includes the database and files. In addition, the update is first tested in a development environment.

All your manual changes to the template or TYPO3 itself must be checked again. Any changes to the template files or overwriting them must be reconciled with the new version.

Step by step guide

  1. Disable the News Extension (if you use it)
  2. Check the version number of content_defender and container in t3templates_base/ext_emconf.php
  3. If necessary, update content_defender and container to the desired version
  4. Update t3templates_base
  5. Update t3templates_<childthemename>
  6. Re-enable the News Extension
  7. Run the upgrade wizard and check if there are any open tasks when run
  8. Run Database Analyzer and create/modify the new fields

That's it!

If you have problems with the update process, then I offer you my installation service.