Import Website Dump


Before you can start importing the website dump, you must make the following preparations:

  1. Creating an empty database on your web server/hoster
  2. Creating a new (sub)domain on your web server/hoster

A website dump is a ZIP file with this content:

  1. ZIP compressed file for database import
  2. TAR.GZ file of a ready-made TYPO3 website with sample content

Import Dump

To import the dump you need:

  1. FTP access
  2. SSH access
    1. These commands are required
      1. unzip
      2. mysql

Log in with your FTP access, choose the target directory of your document root of the target website. Load the ZIP file named:
(_theme is a placeholder for the name of the purchased theme) of the website dump.

Then log in to your server with SSH and switch to the target directory above.

Now extract the ZIP archive with the following command:

unzip <Dateiname>.zip

Extract webfiles

Now unpack the TAR.GZ file for the web data according to the following format:

tar -xzf webfiles.tar.gz

Now all relevant TYPO3 folders should be in your directory, i.e. among others

  • typo3_src
  • typo3
  • typo3temp
  • etc.

Check file and directory permissions

Depending on the web server, it may be necessary to change the rights and owners of files and directories. You can change the ownership of all files and directories as follows:

chown -R user:group

Which user and group is right for you depends on your web server. That is very different. It's best to ask your host or take a look at other web projects of yours.

Up to TYPO3 11

Now edit the typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php file and enter your database access data there.

From TYPO3 12

Now edit the typo3conf/system/settings.php file and enter your database access data there.

Import database dump

The dump for the database is also compressed as a ZIP and must now be unpacked, see above.

The dump was created using mysqldump and must be imported using mysql. You can do that as follows:

mysql -h <yourHost> -u <yourDbUser> -p <yourDBName> < <SQL_Datei>.sql

Replace the above placeholders in angle brackets (<>) with your data. It is important that the angle brackets are also replaced. Example:

mysql -h localhost -u root -p typo3 < db.sql

Once you run this command, you will be prompted to enter your MySQL password for the specified MySQL user.

Note: You don't see when you type. No wildcard characters are displayed.

The import may take a few seconds.

After a successful import, you can now call up your website in the frontend. It's best to go to the Install Tool first

Then you will be prompted to create the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file. You can also do this in the shell console from the document root, as follows:

touch typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL

Now update your browser and log into the Install Tool. You can find the access data in the text file: access.txt.

Important: It is essential to change the Install Tool password immediately!!!!

After changing the install password, you will probably be redirected to the login page and you will have to log in again.

After that go to Maintenance -> Flush Cache.

Then switch to the backend (see access.txt) and change the user name and password for the admin account there!!!

In addition, adjust or delete the front end users in the respective folder in the page tree.


Finally, you have to go to the site administration and enter your domain as an entry point.


The dump is now fully imported and set up.

Install Extensions Manually

It is possible that the website dump does not have the latest version of the t3templates_base and the theme installed.

Therefore, I recommend updating the supplied extensions manually after successful setup.

To do this, install the t3templates_base and then t3templates_theme in the Extension Manager with the Overwrite checkbox checked.

Install at your own risk

I try to give detailed instructions here so that you can import the data step by step.
I have tested all the commands used here in my environment.
However, I cannot guarantee or guarantee that everything will work perfectly on your server.

I cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur. Doing this is at your own risk.

Don't want to do the installation yourself?

If you need help setting it up, please ask your system administrator. If he is not available or you do not have a direct contact person, I can recommend my installation service.